Fireplace by

Client: Fireplace
Year: 2015
Tags: Art Direction and Design, Brand Narrative, Strategy and Design Thinking

A shared workspace, more than a gallery of final results

Fireplace project is an artist run cultural platform with the objective to promote creative exchange in the Barcelona context. With a program of walks, exhibitions, residencies, workshops, talks, broadcasts and further events, Fireplace focuses on the importance of art in a postdigital environment as a catalyst for exchange of ideas and critical thinking. Based in the Poble Nou, the Fireplace project pivots around the idea of the cultural institution as a shared workspace more than a gallery of final results. Across a few meetings with Quim Packard and Ángela Palacios, the two artists behind the project, we had been discussing about the project and started sketching out the aesthetic of their identity. Fireplace steps away from the from the museum-like gallery, being a meeting point for professionals and cultural projects from the local context as well as with others from outside the city: we needed to represent this proactive attitude towards the artists’ and designers’ community and Fireplace extroverted character.

  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace

Photography by Primoz Zorko

Captivating, dynamic, and flexible

A enticing logotype characterised by a gothic-based letter styling —groovy and warm— was our final outcome. Although the project is called Fireplace, designing just the ‘Fire’ wasn’t a glaring error. It was a result of all the meetings and discussions with Ángela and Quim: it became apparent the need for a flexible identity where ‘place’ was the movable and changeable part, allowing diverse possibilites depending on the different activities within the workspace. An open identity system for a newborn and fast-growing reality like Fireplace was crucial to give the two artists the freedom of their brand’s evolution, its different colour tones and declinations.

  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace

The logotype evolution and the final version.

  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace
  • FOLCH - Fireplace

Some glimpses of the Fireplace opening in their space in Poble Nou, Barcelona.

Graphic Design, Identity. Fireplace. 2015