DOIY Gallery by

Year: Ongoing
Tags: Art Direction, Brand Narrative, Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Strategic Communication, Transmedia, Web design

A brand narrative for DOIY

Designed by Folch


Every object has a story. Like a souvenir, we project our emotions onto everyday things, creating universes around them and generating memories. The homeware and lifestyle brand DOIY has grown over the last few of years, both in terms of scale and as a brand. Since we first started working on their rebranding, DOIY has entered new fields, always pushing boundaries and open for new ideas – a mindset that has been crucial to this project.

Unusual collaborations

Witnessing DOIY’s potential as much more than just a homeware brand, we proposed a new direction – to become an influential reference within not only one, but a variety of creative fields. #doiygallery is an exciting new initiative showcasing a series of unusual collaborations with emerging artists, offering them a carte blanche to interpret DOIY’s products in an entirely personal way.

  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery

A question of organic periodicity

For most brands, the communication is focused around two major events each year, the release of their collections. Through these collaborations, we could expand this periodicity to monthly releases, reaching media on a continuous basis throughout the year and giving life to the brand in between seasons. The fanzine is released between these seasons and helps DOIY to communicate beyond the frequency of the seasonal catalogue.

Adapting for influence

The idea behind #doiygallery is to translate the content across different media and adapt it to different formats – for example, on DOIY’s website, printed in a biannual fanzine, shared across social networks and through exclusives on selected independent media platforms.

The right artist for the right brand

With our background working on editorial projects like Odiseo and Eldorado, we have a trained eye for curation. We wanted to find artists with a similar mentality, drawing parallels to the mood, values and visions of DOIY. It was important to find exceptional collaborators, ready to bend and stretch the potential of an object and bring it into their own environment.

A constructed mini utopia

The first collaboration started with our friends, the paper artist Raya Sader Bujana & photographer Leo García Mendez. A grand opening, challenging the limits and perceptions of scale, and blurring the lines between art, architecture and cinematography. Inspired by the Mexican architect Luis Barragán and DOIY’s recent Scala collection, they created and filmed an artwork that plays with textures, colours, clean cuts, and light.

  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery

Paper design and set by Raya Sader Bujana & photography by Leo García Mendez

The mysticism of the “sobremesa”

A great believer in the talisman, flower designer Carolina Spencer chose to work with DOIY’s Hestia candles and l’Apero glass set. Working with her trademark flower arrangements she created a mystic “sobremesa”, imbuing the products with her creative energy, photographed by Florencia Lucila.  

DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH

Through the looking glass

A master of illusion, New York-based photographer Suzanne Saroff works with the Hestia collection glassware, distorting light and perspective in a playful series that forces the viewer to look at ordinary objects in a different way.

  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery
  • FOLCH - DOIY Gallery

Photography by Suzanne Saroff

What is this eye seeing?

Los Angeles based fashion photographer Kelia Anne flirts with the absurd, fictional and abstract, exploring the limits of reality and illusion with the Cyclops mirrors. Just as DOIY explores the iconic, we can draw parallels with the nostalgic sentimentalism found in Kelia’s work.

DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH

Building the story

This ongoing brand narrative for DOIY covers many disciplines, from creative concept, to curation and art direction. Moreover we also curated interviews with the artists, finding the essence of their work and exploring any parallels with the brand. The hackneyed phrase a picture says more than 1000 words might have a point, but without the story, the content can fall flat. Through personal interviews we were able to elevate the products, the artist and DOIY into a higher realm – adding another level of interpretation.

If a tree falls in the forest..?

A crucial part of #doiygallery is to spread the word. An added benefit to the diversity of our selected collaborators was that we could tap into a wide variety of media interested in covering the stories from different angles. As a part of our service, we connect the right media with the right artist, building on our established relationships with various journalists and offering in depth exclusives. This helps to create visibility for the brand and introduces DOIY to many different fields of interest.

DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
DOIY Gallery | FOLCH
Activation and PR reach

Raya Sader Bujana & Leo García Mendez’s work was covered on Instagram by Ignant (519k followers) and Design Milk (2m followers), as well as in online articles by Creative Boom (26.4k followers), The Design Collector (44.9k followers), Artwork (10.7k followers) and USA Art News (44.9k followers).

Carolina Spencer’s work was covered by Ignant (551k followers), Fuet Magazine (6,642 followers), Feel Desain (16.7k followers), Good2Be ( 2,791 followers).

Suzanne Saroff’s work was covered exclusively by Yatzer (99.5k followers), and it was later also picked up by AWorkStation (6,670 followers).

The DOIY Gallery initiative (including all three collaborations to date) was also covered by Domestico Magazine (35.8K followers).

As well as the above media coverage and Instagram shares, the content was also shared by DOIY and Folch (40.6k followers) across our social media channels as well as by the collaborators – each one with a significant following on Instagram, ranging from 39k followers  to 93.2k followers) – further increasing reach and engagement for the brand.

Art Direction, Brand Narrative, Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Strategic Communication, Strategy and Design Thinking, Transmedia, Web design. Ongoing