GAS at OFFF by

Tags: Conference and Workshop

‘Gas. Change of State’ a conference by Folch held within the framework OFFF Festival 2017.


Being or becoming

Our times are constantly ‘becoming’ and even the idea of liquid modernity doesn’t seem to fit anymore. Knowledge has long been visualised in trees. But soon its branches turned into networks and the networks into clouds. The notion of space and time has altered forever. Goods morph into ideas, adverts into concepts, countries into actions, friends into fictions.

Evolution of the liquid model of society

The performance circulated around the concept of GAS. The theme, understood as a further evolution of the liquid model of society, could be analysed and taken in its diverse forms: from the contemporary approach to communication which we are adopting in the studio to the increasingly interdependence of geographical realities, the unprecedented easiness in creating and breaking relationships, the new value of experiences and immaterial goods in the post materialist world.


The catalyst of change

When OFFF > let’s feed the future 2017 invited us to give a conference at the annual celebration of creativity we decided to alter the idea of our communication, concept creation and narratives through our self initiatives. Our portfolio is well explained through our website, and the urge to communicate Folch as a brand rather than a studio was the driving force alongside bringing our audience into our mood and vision. Odiseo, Eldorado and Folch Insights have been conceptualised, designed, edited and produced by Folch and have set the zeitgeist of which Folch lies upon. These self initiatives explains our acts and vision in communication and media. 

Mise en scene

In our act Odiseo is the voice, the images are Eldorado and the words are InsightsThe mise en scene was built upon these main elements: the lecturer on the stage accompanied by projections on the screen —with nature and non-narrative outdoors imagery from Eldorado filmmakers — and ethereal music.


Odiseo: unconditionality of human love

Eugenia Lapteva, editor and writer for Odiseo acted as our avatar, was giving a performance on the new infinity we find ourselves in –a state of being or becoming. Through her appearance she transmit the intellectual seduction we are aiming for with Odiseo.

Eldorado. Trees, webs, clouds. Our technology is modelled after Nature

In the background an audiovisual piece edited by Eldorado Experience is aired as a growing action reconnecting the words with the states of nature – an ongoing change between notions and state. As the lecture by Eugenia came to an end, the beat invaded the room and the climax of the piece rose. An abrupt cut to black closed the piece.


Insights: re-shaping the world of media and communication

Folch Insights takes presence in the printed words in the newspaper handed out in conjunction with the act. Through the newspaper we shed light on ideas, thoughts and projects which are reshaping the world of media and communication. Focusing the curation on the initiatives, the interviewees are never the protagonist, but their disruptive insights on the cultural landscape in which we live today are.

Buy Newspaper (5€ + shipping)

Supporting media

In conjunction with the our invitation to join OFFF 2017 we wanted to understand the mind behind the festival, and therefore invited founder Héctor Ayuso for a conversation. We didn’t ask him a single question about the festival, we still got a great response from the Instead we set off to explore a brilliant mind. The interview was published in the newspaper and at Folch Insights distributed within the framework of OFFF as a part of our conference. 

Accompanying the act was a supporting voice over in shape of tweets, introducing the concept right before start and alongside the performance supporting the words of Eugenia to help the audience to follow the main pillars of the act.


Conference and Workshop.